Intro to Monday Morning Apologist (#MMApologist)

A couple years ago, I started sharing the "Monday Morning Apologist" posts to my social media account. After some thought the other day, it seemed wise to add it to my blog (though the blog is private at the time of this entry). An apology (or apologist), in this context, is a defense of something communicated through speech or writing. So, this is not an "apology" in the sense of reflecting...

The Color of Compromise: A Critical Analysis and Review

The Color of Compromise. By Jemar Tisby. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2019. 215 pp. $21.99. Hardcover. **WARNING POSSIBLE SPOILERS** Effort has been made to minimize spoilers, but a critical analysis and review requires at least some interaction with the content of the book. America's history, though less than 300 years old, is a rather complex and polarizing subject. There are moments of...

A Prayer For Our Current State

O Lord, Creator of all things, we need You desperately. You are most excellent in all Your ways. You knew us before the foundation of the world and saw our paths from a distance. My God, there is no god but You. We can do nothing apart from You. We trust in You. Our community, our region, our nation, and our world needs You. All the seeds of sinful destruction we planted are coming back to devour...

Biblical or Divisive: Should Christians Call Others “Nominal Christians?”

UPDATE (1/9/17): After speaking with the same friend, I decided it would be best to update this blog. While my thoughts were clear, I think it's worthwhile to have additional biblical support for my position. For transparency, I'll leave all updates in blue font. While having a conversation with a close brother in Christ, we broached the topic of whether or not Christians should call out, or...