“One Thing You Lack…”

 Luke 18:18-23 retells the encounter of Jesus with a rich young ruler (NOTE: while his wealth is mentioned in this passage and the other synoptic gospels, his youth is unique to Matthew’s account. Reference Matt. 19:20). As a possible local synagogue official or member of the Sanhedrin, he was a pious individual who had undoubtedly heard of Jesus’s fame and ministry. In this encounter,...

Misunderstanding (or Misrepresenting) the Bible – A Social Media Post Review

 This post is from Facebook and was posted by a left-leaning political activism organization called The Other 98%. I’m not generally interested in the political aspects of their organization or any organization, but when an acquaintance, who at one time professed to be Christian, shared this, I thought it’d be a good address the merits of this post on my blog (NOTE: I’ve hidden the...

Commonly Misused Bible Verses #10 – Prov. 18:16

“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men” - Prov. 18:16 This verse isn’t quoted verbatim as much as it’s used in general. Usually, the first half of the verse is professed as, “Your gift will make room for you.” If you’re like me, you probably first heard or restated this “verse” without ever seeing it in Scripture. The verse has been heard in sermons,...

Godly Men Needed

 Recently, I was thinking about the importance of good, godly men within the context of family. Whether a husband, father, son, or brother, men play an important role in the family and perhaps none more important than the father (NOTE: I would argue the husband is an equally if not more important role, but the impact of the husband, both positive and negative, is hard to capture in...

Importance of a Biblical Witness

 Some don’t ever come to faith in Christ. Even if they do come around Christians or the church out of curiosity, they are at times discouraged and disillusioned in their interactions. This is a real problem for the modern church. It’s one thing for inquiring non-Christians to misunderstand Jesus or to have a valid encounter with Him yet conclude they’re better off without Him....

True Success?

 The crux of this very brief post is the above picture and quote from Francis Chan, renowned Christian, pastor, missionary, and author. I want you to marinate on it.  Lest one think the quote lacks biblical foundation, please consider Matt. 16:26. This is a needed post for the Western, American, income-driven, education-oriented, proud capitalistic individual. Yet, it’s also needed...

About That Conversion Story (How I came to Jesus)

 I realized recently I hadn’t given more than a general bio on this site. So, I thought it’d be wise to share a brief write up of how I came to know Jesus, effectively moving from BC to AD on a spiritual level. I was raised with a general belief in and reverence for God, but no one I recall demonstrated “holy” living.  This was not just any God, either, but the God of the Bible...

Escapism, Fantasy, Dopamine, and God

 This is going to be a brief, “old school” post. I say that because it’ll read more like a journal entry or late 90’s blog write up.  This may mean the post will seem random and not as coherent as usual, but please bear with me. Without further ado, and as the subject alludes, I want to share some recent thoughts that I have on escapism, fantasy, dopamine, God, and related...